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Activity Band

The Forest Obstacle Course is located in lush forests where both children and adults can experience excitement, movement, and immersion in nature.

Obstacle Course with Different Difficulty Levels

We have constructed an obstacle course in the forest consisting of several activities with varying difficulty levels. For the youngest participants, we have built some huts and climbing structures shaped like elks, and we would appreciate help in constructing more huts in the forest. For older children and adults, there are parallel obstacle courses at certain locations where you can challenge each other.


We offer our four main activities in "Spelboden," a house equipped with all the materials needed for our activities. Now, all our guests can use the web app and a QR code to purchase their activities. Information and QR codes are available in both Swedish and English outside Spelboden. Swedish guests need BankID, while foreign guests can use their mobile numbers.

  • Adventure Golf
  • Soccer Golf
  • Disc Golf
  • Forest Obstacle Course

Activity bands for all four of the above activities are available.

Time & Price